This super salad is the ultimate BBQ side –packed with flavour and sneaky bone broth.


11/2 cups organic basmati rice 3 tbs Curry Body Glue™ 

1 green capsicum diced

3 stalks celery, sliced

1⁄2 pineapple, diced

1 tbs grated ginger

2 cloves garlic, crushed 

1 tbs coconut oil

1 red chilli, sliced fine



  1. Add Curry Body Glue to the water you will cook rice in, stir till dissolved then cook via your favourite method. Allow to cool.
  2. Heat coconut oil in a pan, add grated ginger, garlic and capsicum fry for 30 seconds. Add rice and fry til browned (around 2 mins) stirring constantly.
  3. Turn off heat, add pineapple and celery and mix to combine.
  4. Transfer rice mix to bowl or serving platter, top with chilli, herbs and crushed almonds.
  5. Serve with lime wedges.

TIP: Cook the rice the day before and store in the fridge. Cooked, cooled then reheated rice gives the added benefits of resistant starch which your good gut bugs will love.



Coriander leaves

Thai basil leaves

Crushed toasted almonds 

Lime wedges